
by service – brands-现金娱乐平台游戏

ad monitoring

meet the advertising measurement needs across multiple channels, both online and offline, and in various public and private domain scenarios.


digital advertising monitoring and verification

admonitor is the core advertising measurement product of miaozhen systems. it leverages big data analytics to provide internet advertising monitoring services for advertisers. it offers comprehensive evaluation capabilities and robust traffic filtering capabilities for various media and ad formats.

admonitor ooh

outdoor advertising media monitoring

admonitor ooh is a comprehensive media monitoring solution for outdoor advertising. it provides manual monitoring and digital screen monitoring solutions based on the specific needs and media formats of advertisers, generating monitoring reports.

admonitor livetv

deployment-free live tv monitoring saas product

admonitor livetv is a monitoring solution for live tv advertisements. it ensures that tv ads are aired according to the scheduled plan, safeguarding brand rights and reducing risks associated with ad placements.


private domain user behavior monitoring

miaozhenfenxi provides comprehensive monitoring of private traffic touchpoints, including pc websites, h5 sites, mini-programs, and apps. it can be ntegrated with miaozhen systems’ admonitor advertising monitoring system to  achieve mutual enhancement between public and private domains. 


fulfill the needs for budget allocation, schedule generation, insights production, and competitor analysis.


online & offline advertising investment optimization

mixreach is a mature online and offline cross-screen budget allocation and optimization tool. it aims to maximize user investment returns by focusing on reach as the objective.


optimal ad scheduling generation & management

planexecution is an intelligent media scheduling tool that integrates multiple media platforms and advertising placements. it utilizes miaozhen’s data capabilities to calculate media deduplication and provides effective data support and decision-making assistance.


media trend & efficiency insights

mediainsight is a comprehensive media effectiveness tool that combines big and small data to assist businesses in selecting touchpoints and media channels, optimizing investment strategies.

ad info

competitor media strategy & content value analysis

ad info provides insights into market volume, content, and interactive effectiveness of various brands within the industry. it utilizes real consumer sample data, allowing advertisers to stay informed about the market share, advertising performance, and creative effectiveness of the overall market, industry peers, and competitors.


mingdata dmp offers a one-stop solution for insights, strategy, audience segmentation, ad placement, and analysis.

mingdata dmp

third-party advertising tag management system

mingdata dmp is an all-in-one advertising audience targeting and management platform. leveraging miaozhen’s extensive marketing data and integrating data capabilities from ecosystem partners, it helps brands gain insights into user characteristics, discover high-potential audiences, and achieve precise marketing targeting, ultimately enhancing the roi of digital marketing efforts.

data management

cdp (customer data platform) ma (marketing automation) helps enhance data insight analysis and data governance capabilities.

cdp ma

cx-driven data management platform

we provide a cdp ma solution that establishes a consumer data asset platform, integrates operational data from various roles and channels, and intelligently applies data assets to create a data platform and management system for marketing intelligence, marketing growth, and marketing digitization.

social listenting and optimization

quick social media sentiment analysis, social media marketing optimization, and attribution


social & public opinion monitoring

socialx is a ready-to-use saas toolbox for social media marketing data analysis. it enables quick tracking of hot topics, competitor analysis, and monitoring of key opinion leaders (kols), providing insights into the latest trends in public sentiment. 

social grow

social media advertising and operation data platform

social grow is dedicated to social media operation and growth. it covers nine major social media platforms and leverages miaozhen’s extensive big data and ai algorithm capabilities. it provides clients with a comprehensive kol advertising and operation service, from pre-selection and optimization to in-flight traffic operation and post-campaign evaluation.

sponsorship evaluation

tv show and variety program sponsorship evaluation


data-driven show sponsorship evaluation

sei is a sponsorship evaluation system that utilizes scientific data models. it comprehensively evaluates sponsorship effectiveness, adjusts sponsorship strategies, and identifies precise marketing touchpoints. by integrating data from social media, search engines, surveys, and other dimensions, sei assesses impact, reach, and conversion power.

brand building

provide industry solutions for comprehensive marketing scenarios, covering all aspects of marketing analysis.

stp based on ta interests data

respond to new changes with interest tribes data

we assist various brands in utilizing innovative big data methods to complete the entire process of market segmentation, target market identification, market positioning, and marketing execution strategies.

tailored solutions

meet clients’ customized data service needs

for brand advertisers with customized needs such as e-commerce post-link performance analysis, industry trend insights, survey design, and data collection, miaozhen systems can provide tailored data services. for detailed service information and pricing, please contact miaozhen systems to connect with our business team for further discussion.

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